Sunday, January 23, 2011

Convention 2011

After getting online to register our chapter for the convention this week, it seemed as though our chapter does not yet have enough funds to go to the 2011 convention.  Registration is $85-$100 per person, and then the total cost for the hotel room would be about $228.  I'm not sure how much renting the car would cost us, but without it, we'd still be paying around $630 for the convention this year.

Due to monetary reasons, then, it looks like the Iowa Omicron chapter will not be traveling to the 2011 convention in Chicago, Ill., but will have to wait until the 2012 convention, which will be held in San Jose, CA.

In order to raise enough money to fund next year's trip, we need to start fundraising NOW!  We've got a meeting tonight at 7:30 at Becky's place... we're going to be making brownies and discussing future fundraising projects to help fund costs like registration, airfare, and hotel expenses for the 2012 trip.  Check your email this afternoon for details.

~Kelsey K.